Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I know I Know I'm Behind Again!

Even with my best intentions at heart I am so behind on updating blogs that I thought I would never get to it! haha Wow recording records is a fun business but it takes up a lot of time. Massive amounts to be honest. I am now dreaming about pro tools work screens and having night terrors that I forgot the settings for that 'just right' bass sound I just loved three songs ago. Oh well to make music one must become a part of it or so I have been told. I don't quite feel like a treble clef just yet but looking at leadsheets does make the eyes cross after awhile.

We are making good progress on everything. The songs are really coming together just as we had hoped they would. So good in fact we have more songs in final stages then we had originally planned to even record.

I know all of you are excited to hear what we have been up to. We do want to post some demos and some videos of the new tunes in the not so distant future. Amazing how far behind we got with my two week absence for the flu and Jimi taking a weeks leave himself with a kidney stone but all is back on track now. Now if I would just blog more often....

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear everything is coming along so great!!! I would love to hear you guys do an acoustic song:D Keep up the hard work, I'm waiting!!!!;D Hey, this is gonna be a little short because I can barely hold my eyes open. LOL! 4 real! It's terrible!!! I hate being this sleepy. Twitter is training me on how to get to the point fast. I wish you lots of luck, Andy, on the success of your new record or records!!! I know you guys have been working really hard on it and it's a tough and competetive business! Well, to bed I must go:D Much love,Tammy
