Thursday, October 15, 2009

Back to work!

After my unwanted two week vacation for the flu it was back to work this week. I was ready too! It was tough to stop working on the new record right in the middle of everything but there was nothing any of us could do. It's been a really great week so far. We have had some really great creative moments that we were all excited about. It felt good to be making music again for sure. I think we all shared that feeling. Maybe the time off was good for all of us. A chance to recharge our music making batteries.

I better get back to work just wanted to let everyone know we were back to making music. Hopefully we will have something for you to hear very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andy:D I'm going to cut you guys some slack since you were so sick:D But by Christmas I expect to see Demo's up:D Hey, I have a brilliant idea for you guys:D You need to make a live video for YouTube so I can see you performing. I don't know where Tennesse is! See.I don't even know if that's spelled right:D Your fans would love that!!! Hey, I want to make one myself but I don't know what I would do. If I could sing better I would do it:D I could probably do a series for YouTube with my life! LOL One day I might show up there!!!:D Think about the video! Keep working on that record!!! See ya later! Much love, Tammy
