Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Suicide Prevention

Hello All

Little did I know when I posted a status update/tweet this morning about all of the messages we get from you about suicide and hurting yourselves did I ever dream we would get this BIG of a response!

Our inbox has overflowed today with stories from so many of you about the things you are going through. It seems that to many of you suicide and hurting yourselves is the only answer.

I have personally been quite moved by your openness and honesty.

I am a perpetual happy person. I wake up happy, I go about my day happy and I go to bed happy. I know for far too many of you that's not the case.

So what is the answer?

I have been a strong supporter of To Write Love on Her Arms since first hearing about it a couple of years ago. I have 4 of their shirts myself and have bought and given away more then I can count. I wear them all the time everywhere I go.

But is that enough?

So what can we do to help?

I am going to take some time and think about how we can help raise more awareness about teen suicide and cutting. Should we join in helping an organization that is already helping to raise awareness or should we start our own organization and start here on the local level?

What can we do through the music we make and the shows/tours we play to help raise awareness?

WE need your help! Let us know your thoughts and ideas.

WE love and care about ALL of YOU!

Our thoughts and prayers are for each and every one of you.

If you or someone you know and love is dealing with suicide or cutting there are professionals you can talk too. Please don't hesitate to reach out. There are people who care!

If this is an emergency, or if you are worried that you or someone you know may be at risk for suicide, please call your local authorities (911), contact a mental health professional, or call and talk to someone at 1-800-SUICIDE.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Words I No Longer Use

I recently put out a tweet about no longer using certain words after getter numerous questions to why I was using words no one had ever heard of nor understood.

It just came to my attention one day that I was always using the same three words: cool, awesome and amazing and realised it was time for a change.

So I have put those words to bed for now and have replaced them with three new words: ace, boss and brilliant.

I picked up ace and brilliant a few years ago from some friends in the UK. Seems these are quite popular words there more so then here in the States.

I took boss from my parents. Apparently this was quite the word in the late sixties and seventies along with another word 'solid' but I have not adopted that one just yet. Maybe in my next round of word replacement I will pick that one up too.

I will still use the word fantastic to but only because I have always liked that one myself.

So I hope that explains my madness. Then again I'm not sure if there are words to explain how 'mad' I really am!

Fan Poem

Hello All

We wanted to post a poem that one of our fans wrote for us based on one of tunes. The poem is titled 'Coals'. She said our tune 'Going Under' inspiried her to write to it. We think it's pretty cool and wanted to share it with everyone. Thanks Enza!

Going Under
underneath it all
dark becomes light
searching for truth
lies quickly unfold
slowly sinking
merging to breath
falling to pieces
rising again
timing is everything
I will not wait
my eden is safe
secrets tell all...