Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Words I No Longer Use

I recently put out a tweet about no longer using certain words after getter numerous questions to why I was using words no one had ever heard of nor understood.

It just came to my attention one day that I was always using the same three words: cool, awesome and amazing and realised it was time for a change.

So I have put those words to bed for now and have replaced them with three new words: ace, boss and brilliant.

I picked up ace and brilliant a few years ago from some friends in the UK. Seems these are quite popular words there more so then here in the States.

I took boss from my parents. Apparently this was quite the word in the late sixties and seventies along with another word 'solid' but I have not adopted that one just yet. Maybe in my next round of word replacement I will pick that one up too.

I will still use the word fantastic to but only because I have always liked that one myself.

So I hope that explains my madness. Then again I'm not sure if there are words to explain how 'mad' I really am!

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