Sunday, January 17, 2010

Music Blog

As with the new year come new resolutions and ideas. For us comes a new record or two this year as well. All of this newness got me to thinking. As we are making our new records we have been listening to a serious amount of new and old music alike. Some we becuase we like it and it inspires us. Other becuase we don't like it but we for some reason lots of people do. Whatever the case, lets just say our ipods are on overload. I thought why not share with you what we have been listening to and what we think about. We have always been band that has loved outside input and opinions. Why stop now?

I would start today by listing just the records I've heard this past week, but I think I better get my thoughts together and have them alittle more focused. If I start to ramble or talk to long about one thing or one band you will stop reading and that will miss the whole point.

I don't know how much or how often to update either but I guess i will do as my thoughts come together and I have something interesting to say.

Please let us know what you think too. If you hate what we are listening to let us know. If you have suggestions you think thyat would be good, let us know that too.

When it comes down to it, we just really love music. Good music, bad music and everything in between. I have been inspired lately by artists I would never have dreamed of before. Thats the power of music you know. One day you hate a song, the next, it's your favorite for the rest of your life!

Until then....

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