Thursday, August 6, 2009

New Record Update

I know I know.. it's been awhile since I last talked about the new record and how it is coming along. The news is... wait for it... wait for it.. we will be recording the first five songs this month! We are all excited about getting back in the studio and get these songs down. We hope to have them ready to debut sometime in September. We are going to be launching a promtions campaign at the same time with lots of contests and free stuff.

We had originally talked about recording the whole record at once but have decided that we will record it four to five songs at a time until its finished. Main reason being it will be a lot less stressful that way. The thought of doing 12 or songs at one time can be a daunting task. Plus in doing just a handful at a time will allow us to have the room to really make sure we get everything right. No need to rush.

Of course we will be playing just as many live shows as always. We are planning some bigs shows between now and the end of the year. We are still putting together a spring and summer tour for 2010. We all are very excited about that.

Once we hit the studio I will try to update daily or as often as I can what all we are doing. I think we all feel like seasoned pros after our first record but I know we still ahve so much to learn.

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