Sunday, July 12, 2009


We will be famous.We & all our friends will have our own TV show.
We'll be so famous that we can have you write our theme song and be in our TV show. It’ll be on Disney channel because were cool like that.
You can play yourself and be the awesome singer that all the girls love and we'll out show Hannah Montana.
Then my friends and I will be so famous we'll have our own fashion line.
We'll have you on our show so you'll be even more rich and famous.
Oh yes. You can be in it too.
but you have to come to Wisconsin first.
Never mind the past that’s all behind now. It’s clear seas ahead for the rest of the journey.
I have learned a lot in the past days, now it’s time to put it all to work.
For you
For the TV show
For the fashion line
For everyone
It’s time!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like an awesome plan.All you have to do now is put it in motion.I have always believed if you want something bad enough you can have it.Work hard and stay focused.I'll be expecting to see you guys on Disneys line up one day.You'll have to send me your autograph through the mail.LOL!In the mean time just keep rockin!Much Love,Tammy
