Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Haircuts & Competition

Hey all sorry it's been a few days since we last blogged. It's been busy here as usually. Working our rearends of on the new reocord. Plus, this may come as surprise, but we are trying to book more shows. I think I need a blog dedicated to the endless pursuit to book shows for the band. More on that another day.

Just got back from getting my haircut. This is something I do twice a year it seems anymore. Partly because I like it long, partly because we are so busy, and partly because I'm too lazy to go do it more often. No matter though, I don't think anyone is keeping up with how long my hair is or isn't, so I will get a haircut when I can. I want to add though, the woman who cuts my hair, Renee, does an amazing job!

On to the subject of competition. Not sure what it is or if it's a local thing only around here, but I get the sense that bands are trying to compete with each other. The idea that music fans can like & listen to mutiple artists seem to escape them. They are all trying to be the best. Forget playing with other bands that might be or simple are better then your own band, is a crazy revolutionary idea that can only end in doom.

The idea of playing with bigger and better bands excites us. We have been trying of late to get those said bands to come play shows with us. Most of them have said yes to our requests which is really cool. Our request to most bands to come out and play shows together go completely unnoticed or at least unanswered. They could at least send us a short answer telling us that they are trying to be the best band in the world and by playing shows with other bands that that fact will be lost on all in attendence and will hurt their prospects of achieveing that goal. Either way a reply would be nice.

Ok enough with that. It's time to get on the phone and start calling venues about shows...again.

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